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Personal Mystical experience and Spiritual Change

Those seeking true answers in this world must be prepared to brave a great deal of deceit and personal hardship before they find them. This is why we must seek the truth, why we are on a 'spiritual journey'; if the truth was easy to find or extremely obvious, we would already know it, the journey would never have started. There are so many beliefs, philosophies, religions etc. available to the earnest seeker. Many of these are apparently contradictory, although it is my personal opinion that the majority do contain kernels of truth, or did at some point in time. The point is, we all have unhappiness in our lives. All of us carry in our hearts and souls elements of negativity that directly cause our unhappiness; who has not felt the agony of the reoccurring anxieties, worries, hatreds, jealousies? These things persist and attack us as if they are forces outside of us and beyond are control, despite our best intentions to be good and kind and our sincere desires to improve. We cannot attack these things logically, or ignore or supress them. I know this personally - I felt these things for many years and I still do. It is often, in my experience, those that feel these sufferings most acutely that seek out a sort of spiritual awareness. I want to share with those who also desire to change their lives and to become better ppl. my experiences taking courses with The Gnostic Movement I am not affiliated with the movement or selling anything (the courses are free). I am not an advanced spiritual person or a Master or guru. All I know is that, unlike any other system, philosophy or group that I have encountered, Mysticweb offers courses that are a) free b) extremely practical and applicable to daily life and c) desigined without any religious dogma, inflammatory rhetoric or cultish intonations. The techniques offered are real, they WORK. The element that attracted me to them was that the instructors do not want you to take anything on faith; they urge you to go and experience for yourself what is actually out there. I have had personal experiences in other dimensions, through astral projection, and using simple techniques have seen reality change literally before my eyes. These things are not easy; the courses do NOT peddle a lot of cheap answers. However, I have actually been able to begin to CHANGE myself, and as negativity decreased, it was and continues to be replaced by states of consciousness I would have never thought possible, states of real happiness, conscious peace and actual love. So many ppl. talk about love, but I have come to realize that we experience virtually nothing of our latent potential for conscious love. The point is that, without deriding any other schools or beliefs, these courses work. If you put in effort, you will achieve the results and experience the things you desire, and you will want to share these things with other ppl, you will want others to have these oppurtunities because you feel blessed to have them. That's why I'm writing this. Come to and look at what's offered, or go to (new sister site) to see some other information about the movement's history. Anyone who is interested in gaining personal experience and truly changing themselves to achieve real and lasting happiness will be grateful they did. Thanks for reading. (Feel free to e-mail me with questions)