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Re: synchronicity

I was a young mother deserted by her husband in 1957. I had no money to buy food, all we had was what was in the house. I wrote (had no phone) my father who had always helped me out, though his income was limited, asking for money. I had also written my sister but asked nothing of her as she and her husband had no money to spare and he was not very charitable.

A few nights later I dreamed I went to the mailbox, took out a letter from my father, expecting a check, but instead read that he had nothing to send, he was sorry. When the mail ran I went to the mailbox, there was the letter, the words in the letter were slightly different but it was the same message, he was sorry but could not help.

The next night I dreamed of going to the mailbox, there was a letter from my sister and inside it a ten dollar bill. The next day I went to the mailbox, there was the letter from my sister and inside a ten dollar bill.

The thing that most impressed me about this coincidence of dream and actual occurrence is that I had no expectation of help from my sister, did have expectation of help from my father and the money was the exact amount and the exact currency.

I have lived almost seventy years without any similar dream so I certainly would not use dream content as a guide to decision making or anything of that sort. I think our normal five senses are more reliable than these capricious occurrences which seem to me to serve no useful function than to remind us that we do not know much about the workings of the psyche, maybe inspire humility and an openness to the reality of things beyond our comprehension.


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Has anyone had any significant synchronistic experiences they would like to share?